
To use Python Lunar in a project:

>>> import pylunar

Location: Boston, MA, USA

>>> mi = pylunar.MoonInfo((42, 21, 30), (-71, 3, 35))

Local Time: July 18, 2016 at 21:45

API requires UTC, so add 4 hours since on Daylight Savings (changes day)

>>> mi.update((2016, 7, 19, 1, 45, 0))
>>> mi.age()
>>> mi.fractional_phase()
>>> mi.phase_name()

This package also contains the LunarFeatureContainer class which holds features on the moon for the Astronomical League’s Lunar Club and Lunar II observing programs. To create a container for the Lunar Club program, do.

>>> lc = pylunar.LunarFeatureContainer("Lunar")
>>> lc.load()
>>> len(lc)

There are 90 features available to this observing program. The container allows one to filter those features based on the position of the lunar terminator with respect to a given feature. The LunarFeatureContainer.load() method can be passed a MoonInfo instance to perform that filtering.

>>> lc.load(mi)
>>> len(lc)

A container for Lunar II can be created by passing the LunarII string to the constructor of LunarFeatureContainer.

Feature instances (LunarFeature) can be obtained from the container in usual manner.

>>> for feature in lc:
...     print(feature)
Name = Grimaldi
Lat/Long = (-5.38, -68.36)
Type = Crater
Delta Lat/Long = (5.72, 5.74)
Name = Mare Crisium
Lat/Long = (16.18, 59.10)
Type = Mare
Delta Lat/Long = (14.85, 19.02)